Home PC Use Houston April 2018

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What is your job title or position?
When was the last time you participated in a focus group?
Are you the primary decision maker when it comes to purchasing computers and computer related services for yourself and the other members of your house?
Do you, or does anyone in your family work for any of the following companies?
Select all that apply
How often do you use a computer at home for non-work related activities?
What kind of computer do you use most frequently at home?
What is your age?
Which of the following best describes your present employment status?
Which of the following best describes the area of your present or past occupation or profession?
If you selected "Other" on the last question, please specify:
Which of the following products or services, if any, do you currently subscribe to in the form of a paid monthly, quarterly, or annual basis?
Select all that apply
What methods do you primarily use to pay for your subscriptions?
Select only one or two
If you selected "Other" on the last question, please specify:
What is your annual household income?
Which of the following best describes your current household make up?
If you selected "None of the above" on the last question, please specify:
What is the brand of the main computer you own and use on a regular basis at home for the non-work related activities?
If you selected "Other" on the last question, please specify:
Which of the following rank amount the top three most frequent non-work related activities that you undertake at your home computer on a regular basis (at least once a week)?
Select three
What was the approximate purchase price of the home computer that you use (not including software and accessories)?
How long ago did you acquire the home computer that you use?
How did you acquire the home computer that you use?
Please rate the following statements as to how much you agree or disagree with each. +5 means strongly agree. -5 means strongly disagree.
I'm willing to spend a little more for the latest technology.
I consider the service and maintenance of my computer to be a necessary and wise investment above and beyond its purchase price.
I am open to considering alternatives to the outright purchase of a computer, such as leasing or a subscription service.
I'm usually one of the first people to acquire a new piece of technology.
Are there any brands of computers you refuse to acquire or use either now or in the future?