Automotive Ownership Study 2018

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What is your job title or position?
Have you participated in any market research studies including attending focus groups, online surveys, or in-home visits about car ownership in the past 12 months?
Have you participated in any market research studies including attending focus groups, online surveys, or in-home visits on any topic in the past 6 months?
Do you, a close friend, or anyone in your immediate family work for any of the following types of companies?
Select all that apply
5. What is your current employment status?
Select one
6. What is your profession?
7. What is your age?
8. Who makes the car buying decisions in your household?
9. Have you recently, or are you planning, to purchase an automobile?
If you recently purchased, answer Questions 10 - 13, then proceed to Question 18 and finish survey
If you plan to purchase proceed to Question 15 and complete survey
10. How long ago did you purchase your automobile?
11. How did you obtain information to help you decide what kind of car to purchase?
Select all that apply
If you selected "Other" on the last question, please specify:
12. Where did you go to purchase your automobile?
If you selected "Other" on the last question, please specify:
13. How much did you pay for the automobile you recently purchased?
15. When do you plan to purchase an automobile?
16. How do you plan to get information to make your automobile purchase decision?
Select all that apply
If you selected "Other" on the last question, please specify:
17. Where do you plan to go to purchase your automobile?
If you selected "Other" on the last question, please specify:
18. How much do you expect to pay for the automobile you plan to purchase?
20. Are you familiar with any websites for buying or selling cars?
21. Which of the following car buying sites, if any, have you heard of or used?
Select all that apply
22. Have you, or would you, consider purchasing a car through an online service/website?
23. What level of education have you, yourself, completed?
24. What best describes your current household?
25. What is your annual household income?
26. With which ethnic group do you most closely identify?