Insurance /Financial Focus Group

Telephone number
Zip code
Email address
What is your job title or position?
How often do you think about home, auto or life insurance?
Do you own home, auto or life insurance? Please write in the ones you own. If you do not own any write in "I don’t have any home, auto or life insurance products".
Are you:
What is your age?
For the next few questions below, please respond ONLY to the AGE CATEGORY that you fall into.
FOR AGES 65 OR OLDER ONLY, OTHERS SKIP: What statement below best describes your life situation?
FOR AGES 65 OR OLDER ONLY, OTHERS SKIP: What best describes what insurance products you own?
FOR AGES 55-64 ONLY, OTHERS SKIP: What best describes your life situation?
FOR AGES 55-64 ONLY, OTHERS SKIP: What best describes your risk behavior?
FOR AGES 45-54 ONLY, OTHERS SKIP: What best describes your life situation?
FOR AGES 45-54 ONLY, OTHERS SKIP: Which of the statements below best describe you?
FOR AGES 35-44 ONLY, OTHERS SKIP: What best describes your situation?
FOR AGES 35-44 ONLY, OTHERS SKIP: What best describes your financial habits?
FOR AGES 25-34 ONLY, OTHERS SKIP: What best describes your life situation?
FOR AGES 25-34 ONLY, OTHERS SKIP: What best describes your situation?
FOR ALL: Which of the following describes your ethnic background?
What State do you currently live in?
How comfortable are you with online technology?
How often do you read news online?
What online sources do you go to for your news? Please check all that apply.