Health Study Nationwide 2018

Telephone number
Zip code
Email address
What is your job title or position?
What is your age:
Are you:
Do you, yourself, have any children, or not?
If you have children, please let us know their ages and gender
Now, I would like to ask you a few questions about your health and health related issues. Which, if any, of the following health conditions, if any, are you, yourself, currently experiencing or suffering from?
What is your current employment status? Are you
Where are all the working members of your household, including yourself, currently employed, previously employed, or retired from? Any others?
Are you or is any member of your household currently employed by, previously employed by, or retired from any of the following types of companies? Please check any that apply.
Have you, yourself, participated in a marketing research study in the past six months, or not?
If yes to the above question, what was the topic of the study you participated in?
Are you currently scheduled to participate in any marketing research studies at any other company in the next month?
Please check the products that you have heard of?
Which, if any, of the following types of over the counter products have you, yourself, purchased for your own use in the past 6 months?
FOR PARENTS ONLY, OTHER SKIP: Which, if any, of the following types of over the counter products have you, yourself, purchased for your children’s use in the past 6 months?
FOR THOSE THAT PURCHASED PROBIOTICS. NON USERS SKIP: You mentioned purchasing and using an over the counter probiotic supplement for yourself in the past six months. What brand or brands of over-the-counter probiotic supplements have you, yourself, used in the past six months?
FOR PARENTS WHO PURCHASED PROBIOTICS FOR THEIR CHILDREN ONLY; You mentioned purchasing an over the counter probiotic supplement for your child to use in the past six months. What brand or brands of over-the-counter probiotic supplements did your child use in the past six months?
FOR PROBIOTIC USERS ONLY NON USERS SKIP THIS QUESTION: In your own words, please tell me what are all the reasons why YOU take the current brand you purchase? Please be as detailed as possible when answering this question.
During a typical week, on average, how often do you, yourself, use your current over-the-counter probiotic supplement product? Would you say…
FOR PROBIOTIC USERS ONLY, NON USERS SKIP THIS QUESTION: In your own words, please tell me what are the benefits of using probiotic supplements? What do you know about probiotic supplements?
FOR NON PROBIOTIC USERS ONLY: Would you be interested in using probiotic in the future?
FOR CURRENT NON PROBIOTIC USERS THAT WOULD BE INTERESTED IN USING PROBIOTICS IN THE FUTURE ONLY, OTHERS SKIP THIS QUESTION: In your own words, please tell me why you are interested in using probiotic supplements in the future? What would you be using it for? What has stopped you from using probiotic supplements?
The remaining questions are for Probiotics Users and Non Users.
Thinking about your health-related questions and care, please tell me to what degree you, yourself, are the decision maker for your own health. Would you say you…
Thinking about health and wellness products, please tell me which of the following best describes you. Would you say…
What is your total yearly household income?
Please tell me what level of education have you, yourself, have completed. Would that be…
Do you own an smart phone?
For each of the following, please tell me how much this statement describes you, yourself, if at all using a scale from one to five. 1 means the statement does not describe you at all and 5 means the statement describes you perfectly.
I am a person who enjoys expressing my opinions and ideas
I enjoy doing projects that allow me to be creative
I am always looking for new, exciting activities to participate in
I enjoy participating in group discussions and activities
I am interested in how things work
I like activities like puzzles, crosswords and games
I like a good debate and exchange of ideas
I think of myself as a creative person
I’m comfortable talking with others even if I haven’t met them before