Beverage/Soft Drink Study Baltimore 2020

Telephone number
Zip code
Email address
What is your job title or position?
1. Are you:
2. What is your age?
3. When, if ever, was the last time you participated in a market research study?
4. We are interested in talking to people with a variety of backgrounds. Do you, or anyone in your home, work in or studying any of the following industries?
4b. And what is your profession?
5. Which of the following best describes your ethnicity? Please select all that apply.
6. Please tell how long you have lived in your current location and let us know the city/state that you currently live in? (How many years?)
7. If you lived in your current location LESS then 10 years please answer the following TWO questions. If you have lived in your current location MORE then 10 years please SKIP the following question. Immediately prior to moving to [CURRENT CITY], where did you live? Was it urban, suburban or Rural?
8. Where did you grow up?
8a. Was it an urban, suburban, or rural area?
9. How do you like living in your current [CITY]?
What are some of your favorite things about it?
What are some local events, holidays, or celebrations that you particularly love that happen in your city or neighborhood?
9b.PLEASE BE EXPRESSIVE AS POSSIBLE ON THE NEXT FEW QUESTIONS: Thinking about your personal identity, what are factors that you feel impact or influence your identity in a significant way (like music, TV/movies, pop culture, fashion, etc.)?
Are they primarily people, or brands, or a mix of both?
And how do you engage with them in your daily life?
10. In your household, who is primarily responsible for what groceries you buy?
11. Which of the following products, if any, have you purchased and consumed in the last month?
Below is a list of brands, For each one, I would like you to tell me how often you consume it. If you have never heard of this brand, just say so.
Mountain Dew
Manzanita Sol
Sierra Mist
Bubly Sparkling Water
Pure Leaf
13. Thinking of your behavior prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, please tell me, to the best you can recall, how often you used to do each of the following activities.
Go out to eat at a fast food restaurant (e.g., Chick-Fil-A, drive-through)
Go out to eat at a fast casual restaurant (e.g., Panera Bread, Chipotle, Five Guys)
Go out to eat at a casual dining restaurant (e.g., Applebee’s, TGIF, Olive Garden)
Go out to eat at a fine dining restaurant
Go out to eat at an ethnic restaurant
Go out to eat at a local mom & pop restaurant
Order food or drinks from an app (e.g., UberEats, GrubHub)
Thank you! Now I have a few questions that are for classification purposes. All your answers will be kept strictly confidential.
14. Do you live alone?
14a. Please tell me the ages and genders of everyone who lives with you, as well as your relationship to them (e.g., are they your child, roommate, partner, parent)? If you have a child that is under the age of 2, please tell us how many months old they are (e.g., 16 months)
15. What is the highest level of education you have completed?
16. Prior to COVID-19, which of the following best describes your employment status?
17. Which of the following best describes your household income? (that is, yours and your partner’s or roommate’s combined)
Please answer questions 18. & 19. if your ethnic background is Hispanic/Latino. Please SKIP questions 18 & 19 if you are NOT Hispanic/Latino.
18. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements according to the five-point scale, 1 = “Strongly Disagree,” 2 = “Disagree,” 3 = “Neither agree nor disagree,” 4 = “Agree,” or 5 = Strongly Agree”
a. I feel proud of my HISPANIC/LATINO background and like to share it with others
b. I often celebrate holidays from Latino countries
c. I appreciate it when businesses communicate with HISPANICS/LATINOS in Spanish.
d. It is important to preserve my Hispanic/Latino heritage
e. I enjoy living the American lifestyle and customs
f. I often celebrate National U.S. holidays such as July 4th or Presidents Day
g. I enjoy keeping up with U.S. news, music, or sports
h. I enjoy eating traditional American food
19. We would like to know a little bit about the languages you speak. Would you say you speak …?
20. [IF YOU ARE BILINGUAL] Of English and Spanish, which language do you prefer to speak in?