Social Media III

Telephone number
Zip code
Email address
What is your job title or position?
S1 Are you …? Please select one.
QS2. What is your age?
QS3. Which industry do you and your immediate family members work in?
QS5 Do you own and use a smartphone or tablet, on which you can download apps, record videos, and browse the web? Please select one.
QS5a Which of the following operating systems do you use? Please select all that apply.
QS6 Which of the following categories do you use any smartphone or tablet app for …? Please select all that apply.
QS7 Now, we’d like to ask a little bit more about your social media usage. Which of the following social media apps have you ever used on your smartphone or tablet? Please select all that apply.
How often do you use Facebook?
How often do you use Instagram
How often do you use Snapchat?
How often do you use Pinterest
How often do you use Twitter?
How often do you use Tumblr?
How often do you use Reddit?
How often do you use Google+
How often do you use Facebook Messenger?
How often do you use iMessage?
QS9 When using your primary social media app, what features are you aware of? Please select all that apply.
QD1 Which of the following best describes where you currently live? Please select one.
QD2 What is your marital status? Please select one.
QD3 Are you the parent of any children under the age of 18? Please select one.
How many of your children under the age of 18 live in your household?
QD4 Would you describe your racial or ethnic background as…?
What is the highest level of education you have completed, or the highest degree you have received? Please select one.
QD6 Which range best describes the total combined annual income of all members of your household? Please select one.