Mobile and Web App Development Study

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What is your job title or position?
S1 Are you currently…?
S2 Do you, or does any member of your household, work for…?
What is the name of the company you currently work for?
What department do you work in?
What is your title?
What city and state is your company in?
S4 What percentage of your time in a typical work week do you spend doing each of the following activities? (Educated guesses are fine.)
The following tasks must add up to 100% of your activities. (For Example: Back-end coding 30%, Front end coding 40%, Planning or designing software, applications or services 15%, Managing staff who design, architect, code or test software, applications or services 10%, Investigating technology and platform choices 5%, Something else 0% TOTAL 1-6 = 100%
1 Back-end coding and testing (% out of 100%)
2 Front-end coding and testing (% out of 100%)
3 Planning or designing software, applications or services (% out of 100%).
4 Managing staff who design, architect, code or test software, applications or services (% out of 100%).
5 Investigating technology and platform choices (% out of 100%)
6 Something else (% out 100%).
S5A Which, if any, of these types of development do you currently do as part of your full-time job?
S5B. Of these different types of development, which is the area that is your PRIMARY focus?
S6. THIS QUESTION IS FOR WHO MENTION MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT AS PRIMARY QS5A. (OTHERS SKIP THIS QUESTION). Approximately Approximately what percentage (out of 100%) of your time is spent on Mobile Application Development?
S7. THIS QUESTION IS FOR THOSE THAT WHO MENTION WEBSITE OR WEB APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT AT S5, OTHER SKIP THIS QUESTION. Can you please provide us with URLs for websites/apps that you have worked on including those that have the most interactive features?.
S8 Thinking about the work that you do pertaining to website development and applications, which of the following do you have experience with or the need to develop?
S9 How long have you been actively working in the development of Mobile Applications?
S10 How long have you been actively working in the development of Web Applications?
S11 THIS QUESTION IS FOR THOSE THAT DID NOT MENTION WEBSITE OR WEB APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT AT S5. How interested would you be in doing website development and/or web application development work in the near future? Please answer using a scale from 1 to 5, where a 1 means you are not at all interested and a 5 means you are very interested.
S12A. Which, if any of the following software development kits are you currently working with or developing code for?
S12B. Which, if any of the following SDKs have you ever used?
S12C. Which, if any of the following SDKs have you heard of?
S13. FOR THOSE THAT WORK WITH FLUTTER ONLY: IF YOU DO NOT WORK WITH FLUTTER SKIP THIS QUESTION. You mentioned you’re working with Flutter. We’d like to understand how much time you spend with that particular software development kit currently. Please indicate how many hours per day and days per week you spend working with Flutter in a typical week? Number of hours and how many days per week?
S14. FOR THOSE THAT WORK WITH FLUTTER ONLY:You mentioned you’ve used Flutter in the past. We’d like to understand how much time you have spent with that particular software development kit IN THE PAST. Please indicate how many hours in total you think you’ve spent using Flutter, the last time you used Flutter, and the types of projects you’ve used Flutter for (work projects or personal trail). Total number of hours and Types of projects (work projects or personal trial)
S15A. FOR THOSE THAT WORK WITH FLUTTER: Which, if any, of these types of development do you currently use Flutter for?
S15B. FOR THOSE THAT WORK WITH FLUTTER: Which of these, if any, have you ever used Flutter for?
S16 . FOR THOSE THAT WORK WITH FLUTTER: How long have you been using Flutter?
S17A. ) What toolkits and languages do you currently use web app development or website development?
S17B. ) And which toolkit or language do you use most often for web app development or website development?
S18A. FOR THOSE DOING MOBILE APP DEVELOPMENT AT S5.) What toolkits and languages do you currently use for mobile app development?
S18B. FOR THOSE DOING MOBILE APP DEVELOPMENT AT S5.) And which toolkit or language do you use most often for mobile app development?
S19. About how many full time employees does your company have across all its locations? Your best guess is fine.
S20 What is your age?
S21. I am going to read you a list of technology companies. Please let me know if you would be unwilling to participate in research that is sponsored by any of these companies.
Did anyone refer you for this study, if yes please tell us their name.
Please provide a link to your Linkedin Profile if you have one.