Skin Care Study. Princeton NJ

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What is your job title or position?
What is your exact age?
Have you, yourself participated in a marketing research focus group or one-on-one interview in the past 6 months, or not?
Are you currently scheduled to participate in any marketing research studies?
Are you or is any member of your household currently employed by, previously employed by, or retired from any of the following types of companies? Check any that apply.
Where are all the working members of your household, including yourself, employed?
Are you, any member of your household, relatives or any close friends employed by...? Please select all that apply.
Can you please tell me which of the following best describes your current employment status? Are you….?
How much of your household’s personal care, health care and skin care shopping do you, yourself, do either online or in store? Select one
When was the last time you purchased any of the following facial skin care products? Remember, when we say "facial skin care" we mean skin care products for face and neck like cleansers, moisturizers, treatments, etc. NOT make up.
Please tell us the BRANDS of Facial Cleaners you purchased in the last 6 months?
Please tell us the BRANDS of Moisturizers you purchased in the last 6 months?
Please tell us the BRANDS of Other Facial Skin Treatments that you purchased in the last 6 months?
Please estimate the total amount you spent on your face care products (all brands combined) in the past year.
Below we'll ask a few questions about your behaviors and views about facial skin care. When we say "facial skin care", we mean skincare products for face and neck, NOT make-up.
How would you rate the look and feel of the skin on your face, overall?
Below are a number of statements about facial skin care. For each statement, please indicate how much you agree or disagree with it by selecting the box that is closest to your opinion.
I am proud of my great looking skin
I'm unhappy overall with the look and condition of my facial skin
I only buy expensive facial skincare products when I am preparing for a special event or occasion - not for everyday use
I only buy expensive products on the recommendation of the doctor/dermatologist
I believe facial skincare is an investment - you get what you pay for
I am most concerned with getting the best results, even if it takes more steps or products
I spend my free time researching and learning about the latest skincare products and ingredients
There are so many skincare brands and products out there - I find it overwhelming
I am too overwhelmed by all of the choices to go shop in a premium specialty beauty retailer (like Sephora) for my facial skincare products
Thinking of the facial products you mentioned in the previous questions, can you tell me where you made the last purchase in the last 3 months?
Please tell me how well each statement describes you. On a scale of 1 to 5, a 1 means the statement does not describe you at all, a 5 means the statement describes you extremely well, or you can use any number between 1 and 5.
I enjoy meeting and talking to new people
I like to express my opinion even if it is different than other people’s opinions
If asked to describe something, I can usually do it in detail
I enjoy giving my opinions about different topics to other people
I’m comfortable expressing my feelings in a small group
Which of the following best describes your ethnic background?
What is the highest level of education that you completed?
What is your marital status? Are you
Which of the following best describes your total yearly household income?
One last question, If you were to meet anyone famous dead or alive, who would you meet and what would you do?