Contact Lens/ Eyeglass Study Nationwide 2018

Telephone number
Zip code
Email address
What is your job title or position?
What is your age:
When was the last time that you, yourself, participated in a marketing research study? Would that be…?
Are you currently scheduled to participate in any marketing research studies at or any other company, or not?
What is your current employment status? Are you….?
Where are all the working members of your household, including yourself, currently employed, previously employed, or retired from? Any others?
Are you or is any member of your household currently employed by, previously employed by, or retired from any of the following types of companies?
Do you, yourself, wear or use any of the following?
FOR PRESCRIPTION EYEGLASS WEARERS ONLY, OTHERS SKIP THIS QUESTION. Where did you purchase your current Prescription eye glasses??
FOR THOSE THAT USE SOFT CONTACT LENSES ONLY, NON USERS SKIP THIS QUESTION: You mentioned that you wear soft contact lenses, how long have you been wearing them? _______ # of Years ______ # of Months
FOR THOSE THAT USE SOFT CONTACT LENSES ONLY, NON USERS SKIP THIS QUESTION: How many days a week do you wear soft contact lenses?
Please tell me to what degree you, yourself, participate in shopping for your household’s eye care products. Would you say you…
FOR THOSE THAT USE SOFT CONTACT LENSES ONLY, NON USERS SKIP THIS QUESTION: Within the past six months, which of the following brands of contact lens care products, have you, yourself purchased?
FOR THOSE THAT USE SOFT CONTACT LENSES ONLY, NON USERS SKIP THIS QUESTION: Thinking now of where or how you typically purchase your contact lens products. In the past 6 months, where have you purchased your lens care products?
FOR THOSE THAT USE SOFT CONTACT LENSES ONLY, NON USERS SKIP THIS QUESTION: You mentioned that you purchased your lenses online. Can you tell me a little more about the process in terms of how far in advance you need to order and the quantity you typically order?
In order to represent all groups equally, which of the following best describes your ethnic background? Would you say…?
What level of education have you, yourself, completed?
Which of the following best describes your total annual household income before taxes?
Now I’m going to read you a series of statements on a scale of 1 to 10 and I’d like to have you tell me how well they express your feelings. A score of 10 means the statement describes your feelings extremely well and a score of 1 means the statement does not describe your feelings at all, and you can use any number in between.
If asked to describe something, I can usually do so in detail
I’m comfortable expressing my feelings in a group
My friends often ask my opinions of things
I generally have an opinion or point-of-view on topics or issues
I enjoy exchanging ideas with people on a wide variety of things
People tell me I’m creative