Moms with Babies Focus Group

Telephone number
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Email address
What is your job title or position?
What is your exact age?
Are you, yourself, the parent of a child between the ages of (INSERT 0-6 MONTHS or 6 months - 36 MONTHS) living in your household, or not?
Are you, yourself, the primary caretaker of the child between the ages of (INSERT 0-6 MONTHS or 6 MONTHS - 36 MONTHS) living in your household, or not?
Is the child mentioned above your only child?
What is your current employment status? Are you….
Are you or is any member of your household currently employed by, previously employed by, or retired from any of the following types of companies? CHECK ONLY IF "YES" TO EMPLOYED BY ANY IN THE LIST BELOW. IF NO DO NOT CHECK.
Have you, yourself, participated in a marketing research study in the past six months, or not?
If yes, what was the topic of the research?
Please tell me to what degree you, yourself, participate in shopping for your baby care products. Would you say you
What are the ages and gender of the children under 18 living in your household?
In just the past three months, what types of baby care items have you, yourself, purchased for your 0-6 / 6 - 36 month old? Check all that apply.
What best describes the type of diaper your 0-6 month child wears? Would that be…
How many disposable taped diapers does your child wear each day?
What ONE size of ______________ disposable taped diaper are you currently using most of the time for your child?
Thinking about the past three months, what one brand of disposable diapers have you, yourself, purchased and used most often in the past 3 months for your child?
Are there any brands of disposable diapers that you would NEVER consider using? Check only those you would NOT USE from list below. If you would use all the brands then check all of the brands listed are OK.
In the past 3 months, have you BOUGHT any of the following brands of baby care products for your baby (products outside of diapers)?
For each product, please tell me how much you approximately spent or that you typically spend in a typical month. Please also tell me the brand name(s).
Baby Stroller
Baby Clothes
Hand Bag
Baby Furniture
Baby Car Seat
Skin Care for yourself
Which of the following best describes your ethnic background?
What is the highest level of education that you completed?
Which of the following ranges includes your total yearly household income?
Thinking of a typical month, approximately how much does your household spend per month on:
Personal care items?
Cosmetics, skin care, hair care, and other beauty items?
Household products, like cleaning supplies, toilet paper, paper towels, etc.?
Can you tell me about 2 things you could use a paper clip for, besides holding papers together?