Developers Study AX Nationwide 2018

Telephone number
Zip code
Email address
What is your job title or position?
Please tell us your age?
Are you:
Please tell us about your current employment. Are you
Do you, or does any member of your household, work for…? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
Please tell me your…. Company Name: _______________ Department: ______________________Role/Title:_____________________Location_____________________
About how many full time employees does your company have across all its locations? Your best guess is fine.
How would you describe your roles related to application/software solution development? This includes for example, mobile apps, games, chatbots and websites.
I’d like to read you a list of different areas of programming or software application development. Please tell me which, if any, of these types of development do you currently do as part of your full-time job?
Desktop Development Development of software applications that run natively on desktop operating systems such as Windows and Mac OS
Website Development Focused primarily on front-end development of visual user interfaces using the web.
Which, if any, of these types of development do you currently do as part of your full-time job?
Desktop Development Development of software applications that run natively on desktop operating systems such as Windows and Mac OS
Website Development Focused primarily on front-end development of visual user interfaces using the web.
Web Application Development Development of web-based applications for enterprise
Mobile Application Development Development of applications that run natively on iOS or Android devices
Backend Development
Gaming Development Development of games for either mobile or console environments
What percentage of your time in a typical work week do you spend doing the following activities? (Educated guesses are fine)
Actual hands-on coding or testing (Percentage 0-100%)
Planning or designing software, applications or services (Percentage 0-100%)
Managing staff who design, architect, code or test software, applications or services (Percentage 0-100%)
Investigating technology and platform choices. (Percentage 0-100%)
Writing and executing complex macros. (Percentage 0-100%)
Sales, marketing and business-development-related activities. (Percentage 0-100%)
How long have you been actively working in the development of Software applications and solutions?
Which of the following conversational platforms are you aware of?
Which of these platforms have you ever worked with in the past, but no longer working with it?
Which of these platforms, if any, are you currently working with?
Which of these platforms have you never worked with?
FOR THOSE THAT WORK WITH ALEXA ONLY: Can you please tell me a little more about the work that you did with Alexa? (Interviewer if necessary ask, was the work for personal or work projects, what type of application (they should use the term “skills” to refer to the application)was created?) (Record verbatim response in the box below.)
FOR THOSE WITH EXPERIENCE WITH AoG ONLY: Was the work that you did with AoG work-related or was it personal?
FOR THOSE THAT WORK WITH AoG: Can you please tell me a little more about the work that you did with AoG? Please be as detailed as possible.
How long have you been an Alexa developer? FOR THOSE THAT DO NOT WORK WITH ALEXA SKIP THIS QUESTION.
Have you deployed a skill to Alexa? ALEX USERS ONLY OTHERS SKIP.
How many skills have you deployed? (Alexa users only)
Which of the following best describes the type of mobile app development that your company is involved in?
Which of the following best describes the type of mobile app development that your company is involved in?
ENTERPRISE/START UP ONLY: You mentioned that you are employed by a company that develops and markets its own apps. Please tell me what kinds of apps your company has developed in the past 12 to 18 months?
AGENCIES ONLY: You mentioned that you develop apps for other companies. What are some of the types of apps you have developed for these clients?
Below is a list of technology companies. Please let me know if you would be unwilling to participate in research that is sponsored by any of these companies.
Please give us a link to your combany website address.
Please give us a link to your Linkedin Profile address
How did you hear about this study?