Pet Study

Telephone number
Zip code
Email address
What is your job title or position?
Are you:
Are you or is any member of your household currently employed by, previously employed by, or retired from any of the following types of companies?
Have you, yourself participated in a marketing research study in the past six months, or not?
Are you currently scheduled to participate in any marketing research studies at [COMPANY] or any other company, or not?
Have you ever participated in any marketing research surveys, group discussions, or interviews on
What is your age?
Which of the following best describes your marital status?
Are there currently any children under the age of 18 living in your household, or not?
What are the ages and gender of your children? If no children then SKIP this question.
Please let us know your employment status?
What is your occupation?
If married, what is the occupation of your spouse or significant other?
Where were you, yourself born?
If you were born outside of the USA, please tell us the country that you were born in? If born in USA then SKIP this question.
How many years have you, yourself, lived in the United States of America? Would that be…?
What pets, if any, do you, yourself, have in your household?
Who is the main responsible for taking care of the cat / cats?
Is your cat on a veterinarian-prescribed or other restricted health diet?
FOR DOG OWNERS ONLY: What breed is your dog? If you do not own a dog please SKIP this question.
For your pets, what pet store do you use most often to buy pet food, supplies etc..
In order to represent all groups equally, which of the following best describes your ethnic background?
Which of the following best describes your total yearly household income?
What is the last level of education that you completed?
What animal would best reflect your personality? How so?