Hair Color Study

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What is your job title or position?
Have you personally used any type of haircolor product, including permanent, non-permanent, temporary, bleaches, highlighting, sprays, root products, product at home, or in a salon, in the past 6 months?
Where do you color your hair?
How frequently do you color your hair?
When was the last time you colored your hair?
What shade is your natural (not dye) color closest to?
What shade is the last color you used on your hair?
If you didn't use a hair color at all, what would be the amount of gray in your hair?
Into which of the following categories does your age fall?
In just the past 2 years, what are all the brands of hair color that you, yourself, have used when coloring your hair at home?
10. What was the Brand and Shade did you, yourself, use last to color your hair at home?
Regarding the brand listed above, would you say that you use this product:
Which of the following best describes the length of your hair?
Thinking about when you color your hair all-over AT HOME, which phrase below best describes how you apply the hair colorant?
Which of the following best describes your ethnic background or the ethnic backgroup that you most identify with?