Beverage Study Los Angeles II 2018

Telephone number
Zip code
Email address
What is your job title or position?
Do you have a daughter or son between the ages of 14-17 ?
We are conducting a market research study on beverages. Would it be OK with you if your son or daughter participates in a an interview or friendship group concerning the beverages they consume on a regular basis?
Are you:
Are you or is any member of your household employed by, laid off from or unemployed from, or retired from any of the following types of companies?
Have you taken part in any market research studies, including attending focus groups or in-home visits, about consumer beverages in the past 12 months?
What is your current employment status?
What is your profession? (If student just write in student)
FOR STUDENTS: What is your current grade?
What is your exact age?
Who makes the food/beverage decisions in your household?
When it comes to beverages which of the following do you consume on a regular basis?
If you drink Lemonade, Soda, Sports Drinks Iced Coffee Drinks or Energy Drinks, please tell me your FAVORITE BRAND, the brand that you purchase most often.
Lemonade (Favorite Brand/ If do not drink write in "do not drink".
Sports Drinks (Favorite Brand/ If do not drink write in "do not drink"
Soda (Favorite Brand/ If do not drink write in "do not drink"
Iced Coffee (Favorite Brand/ If do not drink write in "do not drink"
Energy Drink (Favorite Brand/ If do not drink write in "do not drink"
Are there any drinks listed below that you would never consider purchasing? Check any that apply.
How many times a month do you drink your favorite brands (Ex: 1x per month, 2x month, 3x month etc…?
Sports Drinks
Iced Coffee
Energy Drinks
Are there any drinks below that you used to drink in the past BUT do not drink anymore.
Please tell us WHY you choose your favorite brand(s) for the different beverages you consume? If you do not drink a particular beverage listed below, please write in "do not drink".
Lemonade (Please name brand and tells us why you drink this brand)?
Sports Drinks (Please name brand and tells us why you drink this brand)?
Soda (Please name brand and tells us why you drink this brand)?
Iced Coffee (Please name brand and tells us why you drink this brand)?
Energy Drink (Please name brand and tells us why you drink this brand)?
What highest level of education have you, yourself, completed?
What is your annual household income?
Which ethnic group do you most closely identify with?
Now I am going to ask you a question that has no right or wrong answer, I would just like to explore your creative side a little more. Imagine you could have dinner with any person either living or not, who would it be and what questions would you ask of them during dinner?
For Parents Only: Do you have any children living at home. If yes, what are their ages?
Do you have any cats living in Household?