Mobile Workstation Study USA

Telephone number
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Email address
What is your job title or position?
Are you:
What is your age?
What is your employment status?
What is your occupation?
What company do you work for?
What is the primary business or industry of your company?
What is the number of FT Employee's at your company worldwide?
Do you use a mobile workstation?
Can you please tell me what brands of the mobile workstations you own and use?
FOR THOSE THAT USE DELL PRECISION/ IF YOU USE ANOTHER WORKSTATION THEN SKIP THE NEXT TWO QUESTIONS. 9. Which of the following series do you currently own and personally use on a regular basis?
And which one?
Please tell me the software that you mainly use for your professional work.
I’m going to read 4 descriptions of different work environments. Please tell me which of the following most resembles YOU and your typical work environment?
How do you spend your spare time out of work? / What’s your hobbies?
Can you please share a photo of your mobile workstation?
Can you please share a photo of your working environment- office/field/remote working room etc?
What is the software you use for data analysing? And use that for analysing what kind of data?
Please describe one usage scenario of your mobile workstation to help us better know you. (Answer this question based on your data analysis usage for your work as the client wants to see what you are doing as a data scientist?