Sparkling Water Study Dallas

Telephone number
Zip code
Email address
What is your job title or position?
Are you:
What is your age?
Do you currently have any children living with you in your household?
If yes to children living at your home, please tell us their ages,
What is the total number of people living in your household?
Are you or is any member of your household employed by, laid off or unemployed from, or retired from any of the following types of companies?
In the past 6 months, have you participated in or are you scheduled to participate in any other marketing research projects including, but not limited to focus groups, interviews, surveys, etc.?
In the past 12 months, have you participated in any research studies regarding:
Which of the following types of beverages have you consumed in the past 4 weeks?
And which, if any, of the following beverages would you NEVER consider drinking?
Again, we are looking for people who DO and DO NOT drink different brands of sparkling water. For each brand I read to you, please estimate how often you drink it, if at all, on an MONTHLY BASIS.
Poland Spring
Topo Chico
Crystal Geyser
Mountain Valley Spring Water
Talking Rain
Saratoga Springs
Please tell us what is your favorite sparkling water (For those that do not drink sparkling water say "None".)
Which of the following best describes your ethnic background?
What is the highest level of education you have completed?
Which of the following best describes your school/working situation, are you…?
Which of the following best describes your total annual household income before taxes?
For my last question, I’d like for you to use your imagination. There are no wrong answers to this question! If your life became a color, what color would it be and why?